eTwinning project:

„Teacher Training in Time of Pandemic”

– started on 08.02.2021

In a situation of global pandemic, such as the current one, teacher training has changed substantially, both in the content they request and in the way they are taught. The purpose of this project is to share effective practices for teacher training with teacher training centres in other European countries. Our interest is focused on knowing what type of activities have been planned in this pandemic situation, how it has been done, through which online platforms the activities are being developed, as well as real experiences that allow us to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the new processes training courses that are being developed. As a final point to the work we intend to develop a joint document or article in which the reflections and experiences derived from the work carried out are collected.

CFIE – Benavente, Benavente SPANIA
CCDBN – Casa Corpului Didactic a Județului Bistrița-Năsăud, ROMANIA
Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno Álvares, Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, PORTUGALIA